Park Road Surgery

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NHS app – repeat medication

Posted on January 14th, 2022

Many of you are getting in touch because the NHS App shows medications as “unavailable”, implying they are not on your repeat medication list.

This is not the case – the App shows that message when medications have run out of issues and when they’re simply not on the list. Sometimes this will mean you need blood tests or a review, but if you request the medication we will generally issue it.

Compounding this problem is the fact that the NHS App doesn’t let you free-text requests in this situation, which appears to be a bug with their system which we have raised with them.

In the meantime, you can use the existing Patient Services system, or if you e-mail explaining the situation we will try to accommodate things.

It is frustrating for us and you when incorrect or misleading information is sent out like this, but we have no control over the NHS App, so please direct any comments on it to NHS Digital.

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