Park Road Surgery

37 Park Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0AU

Telephone: 020 8977 5481

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Posted on October 7th, 2021

Many of you will have seen the new Health Secretary calling on families to give more support to elderly relatives. These claims have become a feature of the current government, with Jeremy Hunt saying back in 2012 when he was Health Secretary that we should “adopt the Asian culture of caring for the elderly“, and a health minister in 2017 suggesting families should care for elderly relatives as they do their children.

We would like to reassure our patients that we know

  • family members are overwhelmingly the source of care in this country already
  • the largest share of this unpaid work falls on spouses
  • only 5% of such carers are in receipt of benefits.
  • being a carer usually has a significant financial impact
  • If you are a carer and in need of support, please know that support is available, and let someone know if you’re struggling.

    For clarity, we do not believe the crisis in social care is caused by neglect or inaction on the part of families. It is a funding issue, plain and simple.

    Opening Times

    • Monday
      08:30am to 08:00pm
      (Extended Hours: 18:30 - 20:00)
    • Tuesday
      08:30am to 06:30pm
    • Wednesday
      07:00am to 06:30pm
      (Extended Hours: 07:00 - 08:00 and 18:30-20:00)
    • Thursday
      08:30am to 06:30pm
    • Friday
      07:00am to 06:30pm
      (Extended Hours: 07:00 - 08:00)
    • Saturday
      09:00am to 05:00pm
      One Saturday per month
    • Sunday
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